
Think Differently

Punch the clock

You either make money or money makes you!  Slave to the dollar? Working to pay bills? If you wake up doing the same thing, then what’s going to change?  You need to spend time on change, whatever the change may be.

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. ~ Albert Einstein

If you hate job and complaining everyday, then what are you doing to change it?  You need to take action, get a plan, make a goal and invest in you! Work on you plan/goal at least 30 minutes a day.  Get up early or go to bed late, but you must put in the time to map out the vision for you goals.  A plan without action is not a plan, it’s just a thought!

The world has taught us how to punch a clock, WE HAVE BEEN BRAIN WASHED!  Is it possible to make $5000 a month working 3 hours a day? Of course it is, but we have been conditioned to get a good job, put in 40-50 hours a week,  kiss the family good night and repeat.  Time does equal money but your earning potential is NOT fixed to a time.

Your desire to change your life has to out weigh your fear of failure.

Change your mindset!

Recommended resources: (I often get the audio books, great when driving)



Million Ways to Make Money – Pick One!

Thanks for joining me!

“The starting point of all achievement is DESIRE.”

~Napoleon Hill, Author- Think and Grow Rich


I was watching Television the other day and literally saw a gentleman selling AIR from China and Canada!  Susie, Less, Zig and Tony sell motivation!  What can you sell, invent, invest, market to make money? The answer – ANYTHING! The possibilities are endless.  Most people get comfortable in their 9-6 JOB and continue to think that time equals money.  If you think that you should only get paid for the time you spend working then you will always feel mentally handcuffed to a job as a means to pay bills.  Money should be enjoyed and a means to enhance your life.  If you want to find ways to put your money to work and have past efforts pay you over and over again then you need to think beyond the JOB.  Let’s look at few starter options.

  1. In 2008 I invested a modest amount of money in Google and now sitting on a 225%+ return on my investment – with the stock market you have to do your homework.  I would suggest investing in companies/places that you yourself like to spend your money.  You could pay upward of 3.95 per trade through various banks – Capital One (soon to transition to E*Trade), TD Ameritrade, Ally, etc.  However, Stock pile, a share building broker that offers fractional trades for .99 (limited trade options) or Robinhood offers trading for free; two great places to start to test the waters.
  2. The modern day loan shark.  Imagine a company that brings common investors and borrowers together and cut out the banks.  Also, known at peer to peer lending.  You lend to borrowers and get paid interest and principle as the debtor repays the loan with monthly payments.  Of course, if the debtor completely defaults on loan you risk losing your principle investment, however, the key is to make small investments across multiple loans to minimize risk (minimum investment is $25).
  3. Want to invest in real Estate without the upkeep of renting property, this option may appeal to you.  You invest in a wide range of real estate development projects and get paid returns (cumulative paid and unpaid earnings + change in Net Asset Value (NAV) per share).

Put your Money to work!

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